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點擊上方藍字和“好玩的matlab”一起快樂的玩耍吧+ C8 _. V; W& y: k( x1 P
8 p8 p2 N4 N( s7 ]
" F0 O) W+ g6 u- O$ @帶你喜歡上MATLAB
4 s  a1 Z* B, a3 X6 C* ^. P
7 {6 m, x; [' }* `* L$ G/ C科研繪圖中遇見的問題:怎么樣去繪制好看精致的誤差圖?今天小編教大家畫圖的方法。繪圖效果" r0 w) v4 r2 @6 V/ Y$ W
1% u, R! D4 F6 U6 B, r, N* Q2 g( {
2 r* C' B6 d( V( T$ s( {+ \0 ^9 u
4 f+ `! ~5 `( N

/ x5 N( q( J4 V9 ^" [0 M ; c& K8 b4 F8 s
  • clear,clc;x = 0:10:500; y_true =  30*sind(x) + x/10; sigma = 3; y_measured = y_true + sigma*randn(size(x)); plot(x,y_true,'k','linewidth',2)hold onplot(x,y_measured,'color',[0.0118 0.2078 0])ylabel( 'Y軸');xlabel('X軸');% 繪制不確定性陰影區(qū)間errorshade(x,y_measured,sigma,[0 1 0.7]) legend('真實值','測量值 \pm\sigma = 3 mV ','location','northwest')legend box off axis tight title('好看的陰影誤差圖')grid minor?errorshade 函數(shù):
    ; |) U+ t# \/ M- e$ f7 q+ L' H
  • function h = errorshade(x,y,sigma,color,varargin)%errorshade繪制陰影區(qū)域以指示高斯不確定性。%通過生成指定顏色的RGB圖像并設(shè)置透明度來作圖%% 語法規(guī)則%  errorshade(x,y,sigma,color)%  errorshade(...,'resolution',res)%  errorshade(...,'average',N)%  h = errorshade(...)%%% 簡介%% %errorshade(x,y,sigma ,color)以高斯陰影區(qū)域為中心繪制% x,y:為數(shù)據(jù)行。%sigma:表示陰影的一個標(biāo)準(zhǔn)偏差% color:為rgb值的三元素向量。4 i6 {' t1 p: D7 d1 A' `$ i& W. _
    %% 舉例%數(shù)據(jù)% x = 0:10:500;% y_true =  30*sind(x) + x/10;% sigma = 3;% y_measured = y_true + sigma*randn(size(x));% plot(x,y_true,'k','linewidth',2)% hold on% plot(x,y_measured,'color',[0.0118 0.2078 0])% ylabel 'some values in mV'%% % 繪制不確定性陰影區(qū)間% errorshade(x,y_measured,sigma,[0.0824 0.6902 0.1020])% legend('true value','measured value \pm\sigma = 3 mV uncertainty','location','northwest')% legend boxoff% axis tight%% Error checks:narginchk(4,inf)assert(numel(color)==3,'輸入錯誤: 顏色必須是三元素向量.')assert(numel(x)==numel(y),'輸入錯誤::x 和 y 維度必須相等')assert(isscalar(sigma)==1,'輸入錯誤: sigma必須是標(biāo)量.')1 q0 ^  J1 k+ j- l; J
    %% Input parsing
    3 c# b% |* p  ~# a: Y( Vtmp = strncmpi(varargin,'resolution',3);if any(tmp)    res = varargin{find(tmp)+1};    if isscalar(res)        res = [res res];    else        assert(numel(res)==2,'輸入錯誤: 分辨率必須是標(biāo)量或二元素向量.')    endelse    res = 2500*[1 1];endtmp = strncmpi(varargin,'average',2);if any(tmp)    avg = varargin{find(tmp)+1};    assert(isscalar(avg)==1,'輸入錯誤: 移動平均距離必須為標(biāo)量.')    y = imfilter(y(:),fspecial('average',[avg 1]),'replicate');endbuffer = 3*sigma; % This is the padding to add around all measurements in the vertical dimension.%% 限制范圍:% 制作一個與數(shù)據(jù)緩沖區(qū)的尺寸相對應(yīng)的網(wǎng)格:[X,Y] = meshgrid(linspace(min(x),max(x),res(1)),linspace(min(y)-buffer,max(y)+buffer,res(2)));% Find y locations along all x points of the gridyi = interp1(x,y,linspace(min(x),max(x),res(1)));% 正態(tài)分布:P = (1/sqrt(2*pi*sigma^2)) * exp(-(bsxfun(@minus,Y,yi)).^2/(2*sigma^2));%每個點到y(tǒng)i的距離將用作透明度的量度:Z = P-min(P(:));Z = Z/max(Z(:));%創(chuàng)建指定顏色的RGB圖像:RGB = cat(3,color(1)*ones(size(Z)),color(2)*ones(size(Z)),color(3)*ones(size(Z)));% 繪制顏色的RGB圖像:h = image(RGB,'xdata',X(1,:),'ydata',Y(:,1));axis xy% 設(shè)置透明度:set(h,'alphadata',Z)% 將渲染器設(shè)置為OpenGL,因為透明度僅適用于OpenGL:set(gcf,'renderer','OpenGL');% 底部:uistack(h,'bottom')%% 清除:if nargout==0    clear hendend
    $ ?4 Z# e8 V. [; ]! s4 N' @參考文獻:
    * S1 Z5 i% v/ k% `; `好玩的matlab:https://idmatlab.blog.csdn.net/article/details/113733467- j3 T; C; Q( r/ M* T  r8 {
    / [( ]- c( y9 v6 Y

    1 _8 y$ T9 ^8 H# s+ P2 [# ?
    8 A7 N5 r- t- t+ z& F好玩的matlab 1分鐘前+ z# \4 B& B( M& f0 v& k8 g
    / ~; u8 m' |' l/ N$ |" `3 U4 W& g7 B( ~6 a: a
    往期精彩回顧- d: v+ k5 ~  `( t2 M, A
    ) N! G6 E9 s. a8 `9 u  s! j* A9 @. \! z
    推薦 | 【好玩的源碼】MATLAB 繪制動態(tài)正弦函數(shù)推薦 | 【高級繪圖】MATLAB怎么將圖形局部放大推薦 | 【源碼分享】6 J- B  B: ?/ Q6 }) B
    / t. v! h3 W& `* @

    5 f& E/ }! i/ b7 }: Q. |# _, \5 Z. I) j

    % ~) S8 l* a$ {1 o8 _' X0 Y
    0 k. R. s) f  \& i  `9 ]- {
    - v" v- Y1 ?8 |, V' |
    7 G- u, n/ q2 Y$ q$ p: D6 F↓↓↓ 點擊"閱讀原文" 【查看更多信息】
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