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2024-11-27 05:41 上傳
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好玩的matlab# O" n! [* n& W- j
6 h9 j+ T" p& t5 H5 }$ o2 g$ b: ?' e
6 M. Y) I( \% S+ p; ]/ G今天有空整理一下抖音“好玩的matlab”的視頻源碼,分享一下供大家學習參考。6 f. O* V- I5 u! {7 P- n5 _2 z' x
01; Q( Q8 o5 t+ H' w! J; ^
% n' d; P4 S( h. v% [; a9 E! [
01' l3 D$ S! T; g8 V7 A# M2 X' _
源碼如下7 Q. W f( T6 v. B
clear ;clc;close all;Np = 100; % 空間點數(shù)dx = 2*pi/Np; % 步長x = 0:dx:(6*pi); % x 范圍
* s. Q2 R0 N6 S/ a1 zf1sin = sin(x); f1cos = cos(x);" D1 _. ]3 l8 W+ ]7 L
Nt = 100; % 圓上的點數(shù)dtheta = 2*pi/Nt; % 圓上的點步長theta = 0:dtheta:2*pi; % 旋轉(zhuǎn)2pi
! ?; ~3 C: t: ~% 畫圓x1=cos(theta);y1=sin(theta);
, M: r. ]" L9 }+ X; sLx=length(x);Lw=2; Fs=12;f1=figure('color',[0,0,0]);
, o* H7 q$ K) y7 x% k/ z. y8 _5 _pausefor i=1:length(x) %disp([num2str(i) ' of ' num2str(Lx)]) clf; sp1=subplot(1,2,1); % -- 1st harmonic --- plot(x1,y1,'-.m','LineWidth',1); hold on; grid on; line([0 f1cos(i)],[0 f1sin(i)],'Color','w','LineWidth',1,'LineSmoothing','on'); set(sp1,'Position',[0.0400 0.1800 0.4 0.677],'color',[0,0,0],'XColor',[1 1 1],'YColor',[1 1 1]) xlim([-2.5 2.5]); ylim([-2.5 2.5])% axis equal [xf1, yf1] = ds2nfu(sp1,f1cos(i),f1sin(i)); % Convert axes coordinates to figure coordinates for 1st axes line(f1cos(i),f1sin(i),10,'LineStyle','-.','MarkerSize',8,'MarkerFaceColor','b','color','b') sp2=subplot(1,2,2); % -- 1st harmonic --- plot(x(1:i),f1sin(1:i),'LineWidth',Lw,'Color','b'); hold on; grid on; ylim([-2.5 2.5]); xlim([0 19]) set(sp2,'Position',[0.48 0.178200 0.49 0.680],'color',[0,0,0],'XColor',[1 1 1],'YColor',[1 1 1]); % Convert axes coordinates to figure coordinates for 1st axes [xg1, yg1] = ds2nfu(x(i),f1sin(i)); annotation('line',[xf1 xg1],[yf1 yg1],'color','g','LineStyle',':','LineWidth',2); pause(0.00001);end* x# C$ l4 Y2 b
6 {) q A6 _5 s4 u( `" W
function varargout = ds2nfu(varargin)%% Process inputsnarginchk(1, 3);% Determine if axes handle is specifiedif length(varargin{1})== 1 && ishandle(varargin{1}) && strcmp(get(varargin{1},'type'),'axes') hAx = varargin{1}; varargin = varargin(2:end);else hAx = gca;end;errmsg = ['Invalid input. Coordinates must be specified as 1 four-element
* L) U8 p/ h: I& s, n' ... 'position vector or 2 equal length (x,y) vectors.'];
+ ^- F4 y! B: K1 J% Proceed with remaining inputsif length(varargin)==1 % Must be 4 elt POS vector pos = varargin{1}; if length(pos) ~=4, error(errmsg); end;else [x,y] = deal(varargin{:}); if length(x) ~= length(y) error(errmsg) endend8 n* ^' X& O" N' F+ Y
%% Get limitsaxun = get(hAx,'Units');set(hAx,'Units','normalized');axpos = get(hAx,'Position');axlim = axis(hAx);axwidth = diff(axlim(1:2));axheight = diff(axlim(3:4));
) L0 u s6 m" y5 _1 A! N, \& h%% Transform dataif exist('x','var') varargout{1} = (x-axlim(1))*axpos(3)/axwidth + axpos(1); varargout{2} = (y-axlim(3))*axpos(4)/axheight + axpos(2);else pos(1) = (pos(1)-axlim(1))/axwidth*axpos(3) + axpos(1); pos(2) = (pos(2)-axlim(3))/axheight*axpos(4) + axpos(2); pos(3) = pos(3)*axpos(3)/axwidth; pos(4) = pos(4)*axpos(4)/axheight; varargout{1} = pos;end
( H) r0 q! D4 ^( H/ c& V! j%% Restore axes unitsset(hAx,'Units',axun)/ E4 S' r( {) a: h0 q( O: U
! q# h& I/ p/ _, U6 G
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2024-11-27 05:41 上傳
% \* k' d% L. o
推薦 | 源碼分享5 I5 E' r" G3 R2 X+ Z4 V
推薦| 【高級繪圖】MATLAB怎么將圖形局部放大 {9 M; y: ~) J v. U8 q
qcrzm5mjjpq64029980447.png (833 Bytes, 下載次數(shù): 0)
2024-11-27 05:41 上傳
3 t5 T( n9 ^- D
, V/ |" b! q* k% ]9 H
o05cgatq1du64029980547.jpg (17.14 KB, 下載次數(shù): 0)
2024-11-27 05:41 上傳