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Quaclomm QCN9274/QCN9024/QCN9074 support wifi6e|difference between wifi6/6e









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The difference between wifi6 and wifi6e Quaclomm QCN9274/QCN9024/QCN9074 support wifi6e
$ `$ N; A+ ^% u( WWith the popularization of wireless demand, more and more people need faster wireless transmission, and gradually mature from wifi4, wifi5, wifi6, wifi6e, wifi7.8 f2 ~- @2 [$ g9 I7 S
Now many not only need routers, but also more and more wifi cards to expand the frequency band of routers. There are many wifi cards that support wifi6 and wifi6e. Wallys mainly supports these two frequency bands, mainly using Qualcomm chips, QCN9274 /QCN9024/QCN9074 etc.1 v: s+ A9 B8 a8 x6 m
Many people don't know the definition of wifi6 and wifi6e very well. Let's take a look at the differences between them:
4 ?- {+ z1 r: D, a2 IWi-Fi 6, also known as 802.11ax, is a wireless network technology standard and is the latest Wi-Fi standard (as of September 2021). It improves and enhances the previous generation standard Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac), offering higher speeds, greater capacity and better performance.+ g5 H& \* I7 Z/ _. W( K
+ m# Y7 g: J. c
Here are some key features and benefits of Wi-Fi 6:
4 t0 J1 L* {* [- T( g. ~' W. cHigher speeds: Wi-Fi 6 introduces a series of technological improvements that provide higher data transfer rates. It uses a higher level of modulation and multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (MU-MIMO) technology, which can handle data transmission from multiple devices at the same time, providing faster download and upload speeds.
. m( _. |$ s4 A% HBetter capacity: Wi-Fi 6 leverages OFDMA (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access) technology, which divides wireless channels into smaller sub-channels to more efficiently manage data transfers between multiple devices. This approach increases the capacity of the network, reduces congestion and interference, and provides a more stable and reliable connection./ q& M9 w8 U7 k
Low latency: Wi-Fi 6 achieves lower latency by using techniques such as target wake time (TWT) and shorter transmission slots. This is important for low-latency demanding applications such as real-time applications, cloud gaming, and video calling.0 C3 I: g$ B- o  S" S3 ~4 W( _1 Y! z
Optimization for high-density environments: Wi-Fi 6 is optimized for high-density environments, such as densely populated public spaces or large office buildings. It uses a slot-based scheduling algorithm that can better handle large numbers of simultaneously connected devices, providing more stable and consistent performance.
, R) z  h6 |- z7 T/ u3 n& n1 g( HBackward compatibility: Wi-Fi 6 devices often also support older Wi-Fi standards (such as Wi-Fi 5, Wi-Fi 4), so they can be compatible with existing Wi-Fi devices. However, to fully enjoy the benefits of Wi-Fi 6, you need to use both Wi-Fi 6 routers and Wi-Fi 6 devices.
) N+ s  G& R) G3 ]7 P  a- w2 GWi-Fi 6E is a wireless network technology and an extended version of Wi-Fi 6. It introduces a brand new 6 GHz band in addition to the existing 5 GHz band, giving users more spectrum available for faster speeds, lower latency, and more reliable connections.4 `2 y- a: e, S5 F5 x
Here are some key features and benefits of Wi-Fi 6E:4 F0 Z( M7 b# P8 ]
, y4 H6 j; g2 M+ [2 I0 r! m7 G
Wider spectrum: Wi-Fi 6E uses the 6 GHz frequency band to provide a wider spectrum, making more wireless channels available. This reduces spectrum congestion and increases network performance and capacity.( a5 x0 O* E+ u2 n8 k
Higher speed: Wi-Fi 6E supports higher data transmission rates, which can simultaneously transmit more data in a wider spectrum range, providing faster download and upload speeds.
4 [, i! `/ V* [; T( P0 YLower latency: Wi-Fi 6E introduces more wireless channels, reducing interference and congestion, resulting in lower network latency. This is very important for low-latency demanding applications such as real-time applications and cloud gaming.
" o  k6 h9 z: g0 Z  d  z$ Y' u5 KEnhanced capacity: By introducing more spectrum, Wi-Fi 6E can support more devices to connect to the network at the same time without reducing speed and performance. This is beneficial for network connectivity in high-density environments such as public spaces and multi-device homes.
, t# m/ K5 ?& p6 [! w* mBackward compatibility: Wi-Fi 6E devices typically also support the existing Wi-Fi 6 standard (on the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands). This means that Wi-Fi 6E devices can be compatible with existing Wi-Fi devices, but cannot enjoy the advantages brought by the 6 GHz frequency band.0 X$ _' t( [  D' K' t( G% Q
& j- S3 F9 T1 A- A
Wallys has over  10 years of research and development experience, experienced in linux, wifi protocol and other aspects, Qualcomm chip development drivers, kernel and other important software development, modification and compilation, to meet customers' different wifi functional needs./ l# s0 h* A2 c$ z
We have a strong hardware design team, and experienced people know that the most difficult part of hardware design is RF circuit design, baseband, etc., while wallys team made 0 error to achieve signal integrity, such as frequency conversion of network card, from 2.4G to 900M, which is a technological breakthrough.5 S/ V2 K2 ^9 }1 m5 x; h
Clients: TIP,Facebook, Openwrt, etc
/ b; `- k) y* D+ k  cEmail:sales@wallystech.com4 M/ m' J9 p2 ]& y+ y( z! C
WEB:https://www.wallystech.com/! [) ~2 J4 ^* n: D6 A% T' s
0 d7 ?; E! Q2 l/ ~) s8 P


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wifi6 router WiFi 6 (802.11ax) 802.11ac wireless QCN9074/QCN9024/QCN9072 IPQ ...




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